Master Student in Data & Artificial Intelligence

Data and AI enthusiast 🚀
I am looking for a 6 month internship in Artificial Intelligence based in Paris from May/June 2023.

About Me

Young student passionate about everything that is related to IT in general, and by artificial intelligence in particular (It's cool to transmit your intelligence to a machine to do the hard work for you, isn't it?), after obtaining my Bachelor's degree in academic computer science (Mathematics and Computer Science), I did a year of master in intelligent computer systems at the University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene of Algiers. I am convinced that Data is the black gold of the 21st century and since Data and Artificial Intelligence are intrinsically linked, I decided to pursue a Master in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence at HETIC that I joined in November 2022. I am also passionate about mobile development and design, that's why I create mini applications in my free time where I introduce my designs. Not to forget my interest in cooking, reading, music, drawing, art, traveling, poetry, sports (bodybuilding and soccer) and finally maintaining good social relations with almost everyone. Cant' wait to get to know you and why not work together :) .

My skills:
  • Python : OOP, Data prepration, Data viz, ML, NLP
  • Data viz : Loker Studio, Tableau, PowerBI, plotly
  • SQL : create complex query using DBT’s model
  • Git : version control, pull request, merge
  • Streamlit : create web app with python
  • AI : algorithm implementation in Python, use scikit-learn, tensorflow, keras


Data Analyst - Click And Boat
May 2022 - October 2022

Putting data at the heart of marketing strategies and decision making

  • Build segmented users segments and import them into CRM tool and Push CRM data in datalake.
  • Create dashboards on Tableau or the Marketing BU having established the needs in collaboration with the stakeholderss.
  • Audiences behavior analysis (e.g. new customers VS regular customers, differences in consumption between markets and periods, cross device behaviors, …)
Intern in NMR Lab - IECB
Jan 2020 - Jul 2020

Master thesis : TDP-43 integrative structural & functional studies

  • Sample preparation (from bacteria to protein purification)
  • Sample preparation for ssNMR
  • Data analysis of ssNMR in nD (13 C, 1 H, 14N) with CppNMR
Intern in NMR Lab at Guy Lippens Group - TBI
May 2019 - Jul 2019

Recreates the metabolism of a bacterium in a computer

  • Monitoring pH with NMR spectroscopy (13 C, 1 H) during enzymatic reaction
  • Enzymatic modeling (Copasi)
  • SAN-plot analysis (MATLAB)
  • Protein purification
  • Protein NMR (solution NMR)


2022 - to present
Master degrees in Data & IA
HETIC, Montreuil
  • Dashboard creation (PowerBi, Tableau, Looker Studio), Python programming for Data Science
  • SQL and NO-SQL database management
  • Artificial Intelligence (neural networks, NPL, ..)
2021 - 2022
MSc in Intelligent Computer Systems
University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene
2017 - 2021
Bachelor's degree in academic computer science (Mathematics and Computer Science)
University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene


Transphobia around the World
Streamlit Plolty Python API
Transphobia around the World
Every year hundreds of transgender people are killed or pushed to suicide. I have created a webapp with Streamlit that brings together several dashboards to provide a news insights into violence against trans people. More information in a blog post soon
Topic Modeling on French Assembly
Streamlit LDA Theme Modeling Python API
Topic Modeling on French Assembly
The aim is to use an LDA model to understand the recurrent themes of amendments by parliamentary group in the French National Assembly.In a second step, an LDA model will be trained on the debates in order to identify the recurrent lexical fields per parliamentary group in the French National Assembly.
Real time energy production in France
Python API
Real time energy production in France
The aim of this project is to use the API CO2 mix to determine the energy mix of French production
AI for protein NMR
Python AI
AI for protein NMR
This is a long-term project. The ultimate goal is to create two AI models that can initially predict an NMR spectrum (nD) of a protein from a sequence.In a second step, to create an AI model that can assign the amino acids of a protein from its protein sequence and acquired NMR spectra.
Coding in class or small personal projects
Python OOP Data Viz Algorithm
Coding in class or small personal projects
You can find in the repo some scripts use during my class for understanding some concepts.
Usefull tools
Python Streamlit
Usefull tools
I have created in Python some tools that I use in my daily life.

Get in Touch

My inbox is always open. Whenever you have a question or just want to say Helo, I’ll try my best to get back to you as soon as possible !